Camp support staff
WWSC Lite staff are Christian volunteers who are committed to place campers’ needs above their own in creating a safe and open environment where campers can grow and feel accepted as individuals. Staff are divided into those who will have constant involvement with the campers, known as “counsellors” and support staff.
We have 80 support staff on-site, to handle background camp operations, kitchen service, safety and logistics. Among them, there are certified health and safety personnel on-site to treat minor and serious injuries. This includes a certified First Aider, a qualified camp pharmacist, a qualified MOH-trained camp doctor, and a qualified camp physiotherapist.

Gene Voon
- Head of Health and Safety
- Camp First Aider
- Holds a Master of Science in Medical and Health Sciences (by Research)
- Business Development Executive at EP Plus

David Kuok
- Camp Pharmacist
- Holds a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy in International Medical University
- Former pharmacist at KPJ Hospital

Yue Keen
- Camp Doctor
- Medical Officer UD44 in Ophthalmology in Hospital Selayang
- Holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree.

Joy Gan
- Camp Senior Physiotherapist
- Holds Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy degree from Curtin University.
- Worked in Musculoskeletal & sports injuries field for more than 20 years
In the river, we have trained lifeguards who will watch over the safety of the campers at a 1:1 ratio. Our lifeguards have undergone training and prepared for many scenarios in the river. Prior to camp, they have scouted the river to identify any entrapment and strainers that may pose a risk, so that during the activity we either station a lifeguard at the danger area or completely eliminate the risk altogether. In the end, we only select portions of the river which are suitable and safe for kids aged 7-12. Some portions will be slightly deeper than their height but the necessary safety floatation devices (lifejackets) will do its job.
An important element of lifesaving is also the understanding of a child’s ability in the river prior to entering the deeper / faster parts of the river. The swim tests in WWSC Lite are designed to measure that prior to any river-related activity. Once understood, the appropriate attention will be given (ie. putting our strong lifeguard to watch a weak swimmer). In addition, we take precaution with regards to equipment (lifejackets, helmets and tube). Parents should provide the necessary shin and elbow guards (should there be a case where a child doesn't have them, we have some on hand to sell as replacements) and campers will be protected by the safety lines in the river.

Joshua Tay
- Head of Lifesaver
- Holds Masters in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London
- Certified Whitewater Rescue Technician in accordance with Rescue 3 International standards.
- Successfully completed Raft Guide Course by Penrith Whitewater in accordance with both Rescue 3 International and Australian Raft Guiding requirements (certified to conduct rafting trips up to Grade 3 waters).
- Certified First Aider.
- Completed Basic Level Child Protection and Safeguarding Course.
Note from Head of Health & Safety to parents:
The Janda Baik River that we are using for river activities has been tested positive for a type of bacteria which can cause a disease called Leptospirosis. These bacteria are transmitted to humans and animals by direct or indirect contact with urine or body fluids from infected animals especially rodents, which in this case, is found in the river water. In response to this, we encourage all staff & campers who are going into the river to take a certain prophylactic medicine (i.e. preventive antibiotics) called Doxycycline (for children 12 years and above) or Azithromycin (for children 12 years and below). WWSC has taken this as precaution for the past 8 years.