Kristen Lam, 17, 2019
WWSC is a camp that's not like any camp! It's a place to learn about yourself, people and unexpectedly - life. WWSC makes sure you never go back empty-headed, as they teach you real-life, practical skills and advices that are of infinite value <3. Best camp ever. T.T
Hannah Chai, 14, 2023
It was Amazing!!! Can't wait to join again!
Giselle, 15, 2023
I learned that I could be BRAVE sometimes.
Giselle, 15, 2023
It was amazing this year. Although it was just 4 days this year, I got to enjoy pure good fun and had fun with my friends and cousins!
Aaryn Cheah, 20, 2023
Like family ❤️having PURE GOOD FUN with my peers, Learning on the life that is truly good!