Shania Wong, 12, 2019
I felt like WWSC is a platform where i can really be myself while having pure good fun at the same time! i really enjoyed myself and hope to come back next year!!
Jonadab, 14, 2019
WWSC is a great camp, where we can have fun, make friends, but most importantly learn about Jesus. No matter who you are, the campers and leaders will definitely make sure you fit in!
Bryan Kan, 17, 2019
Though it is only my first year, WWSC has not only all the thrilling and breathtaking activities, but also to treat God's words more seriously than just a religion. I feel that it is a great platform for children and teenagers to both have pure good fun in knowing Jesus.
Aaryn Cheah, 20, 2023
Despite my weakness my tribalmates made sure to finish the race with me.
Ally, 13, 2019
WWSC gives youth's a chance to experience pure good fun under God and the true meaning of life through amazing staff, food, games, care etc!