Ryan Sia Yong Ern, 12, 2019
It was a great time there. I get to reflect about my bad habits. I also get to improve myself in my daily basis. I changed a lot because of this camp. Its a whale of a time, I want it to last longer.
Isaac Goh, 16, 2023
My tribemates were with me every step of the way. Without them every experience would be meaningless.
Ally, 13, 2019
WWSC gives youth's a chance to experience pure good fun under God and the true meaning of life through amazing staff, food, games, care etc!
Aaryn Cheah, 20, 2023
Despite my weakness my tribalmates made sure to finish the race with me.
Giselle, 15, 2023
I learned that I could be BRAVE sometimes.