Julianne Rheshara, 15, 2019
WWSC'19 is by far the best camp i have gond for. i loved the people in camp and definately the people in my tribe. I also loved how every single second of the day is filled with exciting games. I will never forget the memories i made in camp.
Elson, 17, 2019
WWSC is fun! From my experience I felt living in a different world. It gives you a chance to challenge activities that is fun and interesting!!!
Aaryn Cheah, 20, 2023
Like family ❤️having PURE GOOD FUN with my peers, Learning on the life that is truly good!
Hannah Chai, 14, 2023
Something that I learnt about myself? I can rivertube!
Isaac Goh, 16, 2023
My tribemates were with me every step of the way. Without them every experience would be meaningless.