Aaryn Cheah, 20, 2023
Like family ❤️having PURE GOOD FUN with my peers, Learning on the life that is truly good!
Khai Ling Ng, 17, 2019
Saying that WWSC is the best camp ever could never capture the fullness of how great is WWSC. It's not merely an outdoor camp. WWSC tries to make the campers think about life, who they are and their state before God. It is undeniable that every activities are planned out thoroughly and thoughtfully. The organisers, staffs, river safety people were doing their jobs properly, and the Tribal Leaders would always accompany the campers. WWSC is great and you should come and experience it for yourself.
Phan Li Shuen, 14, 2019
Definitely a must join and you will surely learn tons of things in this white water summer camp. you can learn more about God and yourself. Thank you to the amazing and the dedicated people who helped make WWSC possible.
Giselle, 15, 2023
I learned that I could be BRAVE sometimes.
Hannah Chai, 14, 2023
Something that I learnt about myself? I can rivertube!