Ian Ching Yee Hern, 15, 2019
Dude, the river is sooo dang good and if only we had more! The food was sublime too!
Julianne Rheshara, 15, 2019
WWSC'19 is by far the best camp i have gond for. i loved the people in camp and definately the people in my tribe. I also loved how every single second of the day is filled with exciting games. I will never forget the memories i made in camp.
Kristen Lam, 17, 2019
WWSC is a camp that's not like any camp! It's a place to learn about yourself, people and unexpectedly - life. WWSC makes sure you never go back empty-headed, as they teach you real-life, practical skills and advices that are of infinite value <3. Best camp ever. T.T
Shania Wong, 12, 2019
I felt like WWSC is a platform where i can really be myself while having pure good fun at the same time! i really enjoyed myself and hope to come back next year!!
Phan Li Shuen, 14, 2019
Definitely a must join and you will surely learn tons of things in this white water summer camp. you can learn more about God and yourself. Thank you to the amazing and the dedicated people who helped make WWSC possible.